Staff and Leadership


Pastor: Rev. Scott Siefert

Pastor Scott was called to be our Solo Pastor in February 2022. He has a Masters of Divinity from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA, after receiving his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine in Business Administration. 

He is strong believer in being a servant leader helping others live into their God given potential and building a strong and loving community of faith. He is guided by the Great Commandment found in Matthew 22:  

He said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Consistory Team and Officers

  • President:  Michelle Bachmann
  • Treasurer:  Penny Rolf
  • Secretary: Sham Moteelall
  • At Large:  Steve Schmitz

Our Team of Teams

212 Sign – Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Schneewind, Penny Rolf, Shirley Schmitz, Sharon Rusley, Cheryl Bachmann, Cindy Henschen, Mark Polzin, Ann Marie Gleason 

Building & Grounds – Larry Bachmann, Karen Otto, Steve Schmitz, Mark Polzin, Woody Prehn

Bongards Farmers Market – Vicki Moteelall, Larry Bachmann, Jeannette Bachmann, Sarah Schneewind, Chris Wing, Pastor Scott Siefert, Cindy Henschen, Penny Rolf, Michelle Bachmann, 

Faith & Service – Pastor Scott Siefert, Chris Wing, Sham Moteelall

Worship & Gather – Pastor Scott Siefert, Sarah Schneedwind, Sharon Rusley, Karen Otto, Michelle Bachmann

Administration and Operation of Our Church

Finance  – To provide oversight, establish good processes, and accurate records as good stewards of St. John’s fiscal resources.

Communication – To provide general administrative support for St. John’s. 

Building and Grounds – To provide an inviting space that is safe and welcoming to all who come to St. John’s.

Life & Mission of Our Church

Faith & Service – With the mantra “learn by doing,” to provide meaningful faith formation for everyone, no matter where he or she is in their spiritual journey with a focus on service opportunities.

Worship & Gather – To provide a variety of worship experiences.  also, To provide opportunities for folks to connect with one another and our greater community in fulfilling the “Great Commission” to spread God’s word.

Bongards Farmers Market – To create a market with a focus on building community, and through service from the body of the church with surrounding community members, striving to provide wholesome, sustainable, and nutritious food sources.

Ministry and Team Leaders


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